Financial Stability
Economically Disadvantaged Students

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Economically Disadvantaged Students

What does this measure?

The share of students who are economically disadvantaged. Economic disadvantage is based on a student's participation in social safety net programs.

Why is this important?

This measure not only shows the proportion of low-income students and families in an area, it is also an indication of the potential challenges facing schools as they work to educate children who have fewer resources.

How is the region performing?

In 2023, 46% of students in the region were economically disadvantaged, representing over 68,400 children. This was slightly above the statewide (excluding NYC) rate of 44%. Sullivan County, at 60%, had the highest rate in the region, followed by Ulster at 51% and Columbia at 50%. The lowest rate was in Putnam, at 32%. Since 2013, the share of students in the region who were economically disadvantaged increased 9 percentage points, above the state outside NYC which saw a 6 percentage point increase. While all counties had increases during this period, the largest occurred in Putnam, up 16 percentage points.

Among individual school districts in the region, rates were highest in Poughkeepsie (81%), Dover Union (74%) and Middletown (73%). The Garrison Union Free School District had one of the lowest rates, at 10%.

Notes about the data

Students are considered economically disadvantaged if they participate in, or whose family participates in, economic assistance programs, such as the free or reduced-price lunch programs, Social Security Insurance (SSI), Food Stamps, Foster Care, Refugee Assistance (cash or medical assistance), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Safety Net Assistance (SNA), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), or Family Assistance: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). If one student in a family is identified as low income, all students from that household (economic unit) may be identified as low income. Comparable national data was not available. Data is not available prior to 2013. Data for this indicator are expected to be released in the second quarter.

Economically Disadvantaged Students
NYS (excluding NYC)38%40%42%43%44%46%45%45%41%42%44%
Columbia School Districts
Berkshire Union Free school district, Columbia County73%79%77%82%66%72%64%61%
Chatham Central school district, Columbia County32%30%40%42%42%44%43%42%40%38%46%
Germantown Central school district, Columbia County36%39%37%44%46%46%45%44%39%39%43%
Hudson City school district, Columbia County65%68%67%68%68%71%72%73%68%69%63%
Kinderhook Central school district, Columbia County17%33%33%33%34%33%33%36%35%38%41%
New Lebanon Central school district, Columbia County37%38%42%47%37%47%46%47%49%49%52%
Taconic Hills Central school district, Columbia County50%55%57%59%62%62%63%37%41%51%54%
Dutchess School Districts
Arlington Central school district, Dutchess County19%19%24%25%28%27%28%29%29%30%30%
Beacon City school district, Dutchess County48%50%51%51%50%50%45%47%42%46%48%
Dover Union Free school district, Dutchess County46%46%48%52%55%57%59%60%59%62%74%
Hyde Park Central school district, Dutchess County44%43%46%47%49%51%52%52%48%51%54%
Millbrook Central school district, Dutchess County22%23%27%27%28%28%28%30%28%29%35%
Northeast Central school district, Dutchess County55%59%56%61%64%58%59%56%48%47%64%
Pawling Central school district, Dutchess County18%20%24%26%28%29%32%34%32%34%38%
Pine Plains Central school district, Dutchess County32%33%37%39%40%45%42%47%43%35%46%
Poughkeepsie City school district, Dutchess County93%94%93%75%81%83%73%80%66%75%81%
Red Hook Central school district, Dutchess County17%20%20%22%24%27%27%27%24%24%27%
Rhinebeck Central school district, Dutchess County16%17%17%21%21%22%23%23%21%20%19%
Spackenkill Union Free school district, Dutchess County18%20%23%25%23%26%26%25%22%25%27%
Wappingers Central school district, Dutchess County22%22%25%26%27%28%28%29%27%27%32%
Greene School Districts
Cairo-Durham Central school district, Greene County53%56%54%60%53%47%59%57%54%54%58%
Catskill Central school district, Greene County53%52%57%57%56%61%60%58%50%56%46%
Coxsackie-Athens Central school district, Greene County40%40%43%44%44%46%37%38%37%42%44%
Greenville Central school district, Greene County19%37%35%35%36%37%37%32%37%35%38%
Hunter-Tannersville Central school district, Greene County50%52%55%55%57%59%54%58%51%50%50%
Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central school district, Greene County30%26%24%22%19%52%43%55%43%45%48%
Orange School Districts
Chester Union Free school district, Orange County32%33%37%36%37%37%38%37%38%41%45%
Cornwall Central school district, Orange County14%16%17%18%20%22%18%20%19%22%23%
Florida Union Free school district, Orange County20%24%27%29%31%33%33%34%32%30%35%
Goshen Central school district, Orange County23%23%25%27%28%28%29%29%27%28%31%
Greenwood Lake Union Free school district, Orange County33%32%30%29%31%34%33%32%29%26%30%
Highland Falls Central school district, Orange County34%35%36%39%38%40%38%43%41%40%43%
Kiryas Joel Village Union Free school district, Orange County71%82%91%99%97%81%87%87%21%22%24%
Middletown City school district, Orange County75%75%76%76%73%80%77%77%70%73%73%
Minisink Valley Central school district, Orange County19%21%22%23%25%30%30%30%29%31%30%
Monroe-Woodbury Central school district, Orange County17%19%15%18%26%29%32%34%35%38%42%
Newburgh City school district, Orange County71%71%75%76%74%68%70%65%60%59%60%
Pine Bush Central school district, Orange County35%41%42%0%44%47%48%53%52%53%57%
Port Jervis City school district, Orange County59%62%64%65%62%64%63%57%57%59%60%
Tuxedo Union Free school district, Orange County15%17%19%17%17%16%21%26%29%30%35%
Valley Central school district, Orange County35%38%37%39%40%40%40%40%36%38%42%
Warwick Valley Central school district, Orange County13%13%16%18%20%21%20%21%17%19%20%
Washingtonville Central school district, Orange County27%27%30%29%28%28%29%31%31%34%36%
Putnam School Districts
Brewster Central school district, Putnam County19%22%28%29%33%36%37%41%40%42%44%
Carmel Central school district, Putnam County20%22%25%26%31%33%34%32%31%33%39%
Garrison Union Free school district, Putnam County6%6%6%5%4%3%0%0%0%12%10%
Haldane Central school district, Putnam County8%11%12%13%14%17%16%17%18%14%17%
Mahopac Central school district, Putnam County11%11%14%17%16%18%21%21%22%21%26%
Putnam Valley Central school district, Putnam County16%16%18%16%19%21%22%19%20%18%20%
Sullivan Villages
Eldred Central village, Sullivan County37%34%30%28%43%46%48%47%41%45%47%
Fallsburg Central village, Sullivan County74%74%73%67%66%70%71%71%68%68%69%
Liberty Central village, Sullivan County64%65%69%38%64%65%72%66%61%67%68%
Livingston Manor Central village, Sullivan County17%55%53%52%60%54%54%31%39%28%41%
Monticello Central village, Sullivan County61%67%64%70%70%70%67%67%63%64%65%
Sullivan West Central village, Sullivan County33%39%43%44%45%46%45%43%39%38%40%
Tri-Valley Central village, Sullivan County42%49%0%53%57%56%58%56%53%52%57%
Ulster School Districts
Ellenville Central school district, Ulster County64%65%68%70%71%70%71%69%58%67%69%
Highland Central school district, Ulster County37%38%39%42%42%40%42%40%39%41%41%
Kingston City school district, Ulster County50%56%59%60%60%61%60%59%57%61%67%
Marlboro Central school district, Ulster County31%32%34%36%38%39%41%43%40%40%44%
New Paltz Central school district, Ulster County19%21%22%25%26%26%27%28%27%28%30%
Onteora Central school district, Ulster County40%45%46%47%48%51%52%53%47%47%49%
Rondout Valley Central school district, Ulster County39%44%45%47%48%49%50%49%45%41%43%
Saugerties Central school district, Ulster County43%42%47%45%46%49%48%49%44%42%46%
Wallkill Central school district, Ulster County28%33%34%36%36%38%37%36%33%37%41%

Source: New York State Education Department

Number of Economically Disadvantaged Students
NYS (excluding NYC)628,838651,321683,328696,201705,986715,396707,526699,232639,157654,780664,923
Columbia School Districts
Berkshire Union Free school district, Columbia County716411510268605451
Chatham Central school district, Columbia County387348450439438458435409368338397
Germantown Central school district, Columbia County211219206243240237228213200191209
Hudson City school district, Columbia County1,2031,2301,1831,1981,2001,2161,2021,1851,1031,099984
Kinderhook Central school district, Columbia County323606605607593563566598564631711
New Lebanon Central school district, Columbia County162161171191147193192194191199214
Taconic Hills Central school district, Columbia County722774783784828812785446488580573
Dutchess School Districts
Arlington Central school district, Dutchess County1,6491,7622,0922,1132,3392,2162,2622,2922,2072,3912,390
Beacon City school district, Dutchess County1,4951,5251,5131,4581,4131,4271,2691,2831,1391,1941,230
Dover Union Free school district, Dutchess County6706576676937257687828147918571,001
Hyde Park Central school district, Dutchess County1,7191,5721,6531,6701,7141,7641,8161,7781,6331,7561,859
Millbrook Central school district, Dutchess County237242273256266260250263230244295
Northeast Central school district, Dutchess County407443414452455382384350294296408
Pawling Central school district, Dutchess County235251286316319330352380349375418
Pine Plains Central school district, Dutchess County323324338356358395356404372305380
Poughkeepsie City school district, Dutchess County3,6453,6553,6223,1633,4583,4483,0723,3332,7483,0783,156
Red Hook Central school district, Dutchess County345383388404449520505475396394423
Rhinebeck Central school district, Dutchess County176187189230218229233217196184182
Spackenkill Union Free school district, Dutchess County276296330353327381396365328380425
Wappingers Central school district, Dutchess County2,6452,6172,9192,8972,9843,0703,0013,1142,7582,8503,377
Greene School Districts
Cairo-Durham Central school district, Greene County705720642726635556698676614589619
Catskill Central school district, Greene County823813880872810852821789666737593
Coxsackie-Athens Central school district, Greene County586556591598591609485475439470507
Greenville Central school district, Greene County236438399402418426417360412384412
Hunter-Tannersville Central school district, Greene County186185179185195210187191179170169
Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central school district, Greene County11187776655146126161128132141
Orange School Districts
Chester Union Free school district, Orange County322338380380394391381366362407435
Cornwall Central school district, Orange County484524551569649700554607566657684
Florida Union Free school district, Orange County168198223237245257259268240218248
Goshen Central school district, Orange County644666729781796821837845776814877
Greenwood Lake Union Free school district, Orange County176175162154157169154154129116129
Highland Falls Central school district, Orange County334323343360362378371416382395409
Kiryas Joel Village Union Free school district, Orange County117133137159158132140145132141131
Middletown City school district, Orange County5,2325,3385,4165,4515,2435,8785,6685,6885,2155,5125,523
Minisink Valley Central school district, Orange County7748378518749361,0781,0671,0551,0201,0991,085
Monroe-Woodbury Central school district, Orange County1,2231,3279951,2391,7961,9332,1292,2842,3042,5142,774
Newburgh City school district, Orange County7,8597,8178,2518,1937,8617,3337,5537,0986,6286,5366,645
Pine Bush Central school district, Orange County1,9812,2222,20902,2252,3552,4352,6042,5022,5322,713
Port Jervis City school district, Orange County1,6641,7211,7481,6651,5531,5801,5081,3931,3751,4151,412
Tuxedo Union Free school district, Orange County8384904340374758687072
Valley Central school district, Orange County1,6141,5871,5921,6711,7061,6951,6541,6341,5081,5881,768
Warwick Valley Central school district, Orange County486497575631691749726732593724770
Washingtonville Central school district, Orange County1,0961,0981,1801,1141,0411,0201,0731,1971,1421,2841,424
Putnam School Districts
Brewster Central school district, Putnam County6047198969321,0311,1231,1051,2441,2001,2531,294
Carmel Central school district, Putnam County8349051,0181,0881,2931,3731,3851,2801,1921,2631,441
Garrison Union Free school district, Putnam County14151311970002522
Haldane Central school district, Putnam County7494100110118140134133144106139
Mahopac Central school district, Putnam County481504613732656745862818837812985
Putnam Valley Central school district, Putnam County289281312281321338362302329279304
Sullivan Villages
Eldred Central village, Sullivan County243210175160235241239219190204223
Fallsburg Central village, Sullivan County1,0059939759058749489671,0081,0059901,030
Liberty Central village, Sullivan County9781,0081,0675669971,0441,2071,1151,0631,2091,231
Livingston Manor Central village, Sullivan County80234236219249217214127175120168
Monticello Central village, Sullivan County1,8652,0081,8622,0501,9952,0101,9321,8701,8571,8171,821
Sullivan West Central village, Sullivan County389438467453449489471433406387419
Tri-Valley Central village, Sullivan County4545360538561537553524491472510
Ulster School Districts
Ellenville Central school district, Ulster County1,0771,0841,1431,1531,1211,1051,0991,046865976971
Highland Central school district, Ulster County695691692742729693706672614647631
Kingston City school district, Ulster County3,2283,5933,6563,6973,7113,7623,7363,7283,5593,8254,108
Marlboro Central school district, Ulster County614619656701710733786807717762818
New Paltz Central school district, Ulster County429469502542565570559567505496531
Onteora Central school district, Ulster County553631632629635644627633576533550
Rondout Valley Central school district, Ulster County804885888910930934960912814737748
Saugerties Central school district, Ulster County1,2301,1681,2541,1551,1691,2471,2161,1901,0609821,073
Wallkill Central school district, Ulster County9081,0291,0501,0871,0481,1071,0441,0069291,0331,131

Source: New York State Education Department

Children Living in Poverty Decreasing
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Single-Parent Families Increasing
Single-Parent Families, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Rate of Child Abuse and Neglect Decreasing
Rate of Foster Care Admissions Decreasing
Teen Pregnancy Decreasing
Voter Registration Rate Increasing
Voter Participation Rate Decreasing
Total Population Increasing
Population by Age Decreasing
Population by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Household Types Increasing
Change in Total Jobs Increasing
Foreign-Born Population Increasing
Employment by Sector Not Applicable
Spending for County Government Maintaining
Tourism Revenue Maintaining
Preschoolers Receiving Special Education Services Increasing
Prekindergarten Participation Increasing
Students Receiving Special Education Services Increasing
Per-Student Spending Maintaining
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Student Group Increasing
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Race/Ethnicity Maintaining
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Student Group Increasing
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
High School Cohort Graduation Rate Increasing
High School Cohort Dropout Rate Decreasing
High School GED Rate Maintaining
Education Levels of Adults Increasing
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity Decreasing
Median Household Income Maintaining
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity Maintaining
People Living in Poverty Maintaining
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Seniors Living in Poverty Increasing
Veterans Living in Poverty Maintaining
Children Receiving Subsidized Child Care Decreasing
Economically Disadvantaged Students Increasing
Earned Income Tax Credit Participation Increasing
Living Wage Rate by Household Type Maintaining
Income in Relation to Poverty Level Increasing
Households Receiving SNAP Maintaining
People Without Health Insurance Decreasing
Early Prenatal Care, by Mother's Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Food Insecurity Not Applicable
Deaths from Drug Overdoses Increasing
Babies with Low Birth Weights Maintaining
Newly Diagnosed Cases of HIV Decreasing
People Living wth HIV Increasing
Mental Health Clinic Visits Maintaining
Homeownership Rates Maintaining
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Cost of Homeownership Maintaining
Cost of Rent Increasing
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Violent Crimes Decreasing
Homeless Persons Decreasing
Domestic Violence Decreasing
Arrest Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Decreasing
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Single-Parent Families, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Population by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Race/Ethnicity Maintaining
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity Decreasing
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity Maintaining
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Early Prenatal Care, by Mother's Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Increasing
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Arrest Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Decreasing
