The maps below provide visualizations of a variety of indicator data, showing how they impact the Mid-Hudson Region in different ways. These maps provide data for the seven counties, but get more interesting as you zoom in to view the data at the city, town and village levels.
Children and Youth
Children Living in Poverty The estimated number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2023, the threshold for a four-person family was $30,900.
Foreign-Born Population The percentage of the population in a region that is foreign-born, which includes anyone who is not a U.S. citizen at birth. People who become U.S. citizens through naturalization are considered foreign-born.
People Living in Poverty The estimated number of people with incomes below the poverty line, as a percentage of those for whom poverty status has been determined. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Seniors Living in Poverty The estimated proportion of residents 65 and older with incomes below the poverty line. In 2022, the threshold for a person 65 or older was $14,036.
Veterans Living in Poverty The estimated proportion of veterans with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for one person was $15,225.