All Indicators

Children Living in Poverty
The estimated number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family was $29,678.
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The estimated number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family was $29,678.
Single-Parent Families
The estimated number of single-parent families with children under 18, as a percent of all families with children under 18.
Single-Parent Families, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of single-parent families with children under 18 in various racial and ethnic groups.
Rate of Child Abuse and Neglect
The number of children in indicated Child Protective Service reports, expressed as a rate per 1,000 children under age 18. Indicated reports are those in which there is credible evidence that a child has experienced abuse, neglect or maltreatment from a parent or legal guardian. This includes sexual abuse committed or allowed by a parent or guardian.
Rate of Foster Care Admissions
The annual number of children under age 18 placed in the care of the local Department of Social Services, expressed as a rate per 1,000 children under 18. Children admitted to foster care may be cared for in congregate care facilities, foster boarding homes, approved relative homes or a supervised independent living program.
Teen Pregnancy
The number of pregnancies among females ages 12 to 19, expressed as a percentage of females in that age group.
Voter Registration Rate
The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) that is registered to vote.
Voter Participation Rate
The percentage of the voting-age population (18 and over) that actually voted in an election.
Total Population
The total change in the number of people living in a geographic area since 2010.
Population by Age
The change in population of a geographic area broken down by selected age groups since 2008-12.
Population by Race/Ethnicity
The change in population of a geographic area broken down by racial and ethnic groups since 2008-12. The total numbers of people in each group are shown in the second table.
Household Types
The percentage of households comprised of married couples (with and without children), singles, and other variations.
Change in Total Jobs
The growth or decline in total jobs, shown as a percentage gain or loss from the previous year.
Foreign-Born Population
The percentage of the population in a region that is foreign-born, which includes anyone who is not a U.S. citizen at birth. People who become U.S. citizens through naturalization are considered foreign-born.
Employment by Sector
The net growth or decline in jobs by sector, shown as a percentage gain or loss from 2001 to 2022.
Spending for County Government
The annual per-capita spending for county government, adjusted for inflation.
Tourism Revenue
The amount of money (in 2022 dollars) spent by visitors while in the region. This includes recreation, hotel bookings, fuel purchases, and other visitor expenditures.
Preschoolers Receiving Special Education Services
The proportion of 3- to 5-year-olds receiving special education services.
Prekindergarten Participation
The number of children, age four or otherwise eligible for kindergarten in the following school year, enrolled in publicly funded prekindergarten programs, expressed as a percentage of all 4-year-olds.
Students Receiving Special Education Services
Percent of school-aged residents (4-21) classified with disabilities and receiving special education services.
Per-Student Spending
Total spending by school districts in a county, divided by total pupils.
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Student Group
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the state Grade 4 English exam, broken down by student subgroup. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Race/Ethnicity
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the state Grade 4 English exam, broken down by students' race or ethnicity. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Student Group
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the New York State Grade 4 Math exam, broken down by student subgroup. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Race/Ethnicity
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the New York State Grade 4 Math exam, broken down by students' race or ethnicity. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
High School Cohort Graduation Rate
The number of students graduating on time (after four years of high school), as a percentage of their cohort. The cohort is the class of ninth-graders beginning high school together.
High School Cohort Dropout Rate
The number of students who dropped out of high school, as a percentage of their cohort. The cohort is the class of ninth-graders beginning high school together.
High School GED Rate
The number of students who transferred from a regular high school program to a GED program, as a percentage of their cohort. A GED program prepares students for the tests required to earn the General Educational Development credential, which certifies that a student has demonstrated a level of knowledge equal to or greater than 40% of graduating high school seniors. The cohort is the class of ninth-graders beginning high school together.
Education Levels of Adults
The number of residents with a particular level of education, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older.
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of residents with a particular level of education, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older, broken down by race and ethnicity.
Median Household Income
Median household income, inflated to 2022 dollars. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity
Median household income, inflated to 2022 dollars, broken down by race/ethnicity. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
People Living in Poverty
The estimated number of people with incomes below the poverty line, as a percentage of those for whom poverty status has been determined. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The estimated proportion of people in various racial and ethnic groups with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Seniors Living in Poverty
The estimated proportion of residents 65 and older with incomes below the poverty line. In 2022, the threshold for a person 65 or older was $14,036.
Veterans Living in Poverty
The estimated proportion of veterans with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for one person was $15,225.
Children Receiving Subsidized Child Care
The percentage of children in subsidized child care, expressed as a rate of all children under 13.
Economically Disadvantaged Students
The share of students who are economically disadvantaged. Economic disadvantage is based on a student's participation in social safety net programs.
Earned Income Tax Credit Participation
The proportion of people filing taxes who receive the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Living Wage Rate by Household Type
The level of income needed for households of different sizes and types in a region to be able to pay for necessities including housing and food without outside assistance.
Income in Relation to Poverty Level
The share of residents with incomes below the poverty level, and at various proportions of the poverty level (below half, double the poverty level, etc.). Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Households Receiving SNAP
The proportion of households that participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps).
People Without Health Insurance
The percentage of people under 65 who are not covered by some form of health insurance, including public programs such as Medicaid and Medicare.
Early Prenatal Care, by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of births in which mothers began receiving prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), broken down by mother's race or ethnicity.
Food Insecurity
The age-adjusted rate of adults experiencing food insecurity in the past 12 months. This is based on responses to a survey asking: How often in the past 12 months would you say you were worried or stressed about having enough money to buy nutritious meals?
Deaths from Drug Overdoses
Deaths due to drug overdoses, expressed as a rate per 100,000 residents.
Babies with Low Birth Weights
The proportion of babies born with low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or about 5.5 pounds) out of all live births.
Newly Diagnosed Cases of HIV
The number of people newly diagnosed with HIV per 100,000 residents.
People Living wth HIV
The number of people living with HIV, per 100,000 residents.
Mental Health Clinic Visits
The number of visits to mental health clinics during the week of a state survey, expressed as a rate per 1,000 residents. Visits may be made by residents of other counties, as the data are reported by the location of the clinic.
Homeownership Rates
The percentage of all occupied housing units (not vacant) that are owner-occupied (not rented).
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of owner-occupied units (not rented) as a percent of all occupied units (not vacant), for various racial and ethnic groups.
Cost of Homeownership
The ratio of the median home value divided by the median household income, adjusted for inflation.
Cost of Rent
The proportion of household income that goes toward monthly rent, utilities, and fuel, calculated by dividing median rent by median household income for renters.
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of household income that goes toward monthly rent, utilities and fuel, calculated by dividing median rent by median household income for renters, presented for renters of various racial and ethnic groups.
Violent Crimes
This indicator shows the number of reported serious violent crimes per 10,000 residents. Murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are included in the serious violent crimes measure.
Homeless Persons
The number of homeless people at a given point in time (usually one night in January), per 10,000 residents.
Domestic Violence
The number of reports of domestic violence per 10,000 residents.
Arrest Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people arrested by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 people of that race/ethnicity.
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people incarcerated in local jails by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents of that race/ethnicity.
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The estimated number of children under 18 living below the federally defined poverty line, expressed as a percentage of all children under 18 and reported by various racial and ethnic groups. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family was $29,678.
Single-Parent Families, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of single-parent families with children under 18 in various racial and ethnic groups.
Population by Race/Ethnicity
The change in population of a geographic area broken down by racial and ethnic groups since 2008-12. The total numbers of people in each group are shown in the second table.
Student Performance on Grade 4 English, by Race/Ethnicity
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the state Grade 4 English exam, broken down by students' race or ethnicity. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
Student Performance on Grade 4 Math, by Race/Ethnicity
The percent of students tested who scored at level 3 or above--meeting or exceeding the state standard--on the New York State Grade 4 Math exam, broken down by students' race or ethnicity. The test is scored by placing a student's performance in one of four levels.
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of residents with a particular level of education, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older, broken down by race and ethnicity.
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity
Median household income, inflated to 2022 dollars, broken down by race/ethnicity. Half of incomes are below the median and half are above.
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity
The estimated proportion of people in various racial and ethnic groups with incomes below the poverty line. Poverty thresholds vary by family composition and year. In 2022, the threshold for a four-person family with two children was $29,678.
Early Prenatal Care, by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of births in which mothers began receiving prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy (before 13 weeks gestation), broken down by mother's race or ethnicity.
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of owner-occupied units (not rented) as a percent of all occupied units (not vacant), for various racial and ethnic groups.
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity
The proportion of household income that goes toward monthly rent, utilities and fuel, calculated by dividing median rent by median household income for renters, presented for renters of various racial and ethnic groups.
Arrest Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people arrested by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 people of that race/ethnicity.
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity
The number of people incarcerated in local jails by race/ethnicity, expressed as a rate per 10,000 residents of that race/ethnicity.
